Diversitybmx: Who's Donna Bridgwick?
Alex: my mate Matt was in the middle of the desert at some bar/club with his uncle. After his uncle left, Matt started dancing with this girl called Donna. At the end of the night matt and this donna chick where walking home, making out and weirdness. then out of the heat Donna says "RAPE ME" so matt the weirdest dude, took this on board. and took his and her pants off and then went for it. after about a minute he took a look and blood was coming out of her vagina. thats Donna. not to mention this all happened in some side alley in the desert.
Diversitybmx: How did you get that MTV interview?
Alex: burns sold some crashes to scarred and out of the blue they said do you know this dude(youtube crash) and burns was like yeah i know him and they sent an email to me and it went from there.
Diversitybmx: What inspires you to ride the stuff you do?
Alex: clean shoes so i don't slip on the pedals and i always think of what would be gnarly if i wasn't a rider. tricks have been done, tricks are only tricks but stunts are endless, its riding a bike so i think of stunts and whiskey. maybe some loud music and sex later that night.
Diversitybmx: Do you already know what your going to ride or do you just do weird shit on weird things?
Alex: its never mr yellow brothers trick challenge. i think of weird shit all the time and sometimes it's riding but i watch a lot of skating videos for stunt ideas. Anything to flat.
Diversitybmx: What kind of freaky things has your tongue touched?
Alex: le' freaky clity bang kitchen wear le' light wight knifey sex.

Diversitybmx: Whats the first thing that comes to mind when we say "Latex Lips and Ciggerete Arms"?
Alex: your arms and neck must be tilted at the same angle.
Diversitybmx: Freakiest thing ever seen?
Alex: about 3 years ago, there was this dude who road these shitty bikes around where i live and we called him freak show, he had a huge forehead to instant freak face. anyway we used to follow him when ever we got the chance, so we follow him all the way to what turned out to be the top of the his street. we turned down the street and we couldn't see him anywhere so we high beamed and he was kissing the driveway of this church. so we then knew that he lived down that street, so we went driving down there and found his house because we say all these shit bikes out the front.
the next day we went into the bush around the back of this house to see what we could see and we get to the back of his house and we see this little shack made out of blue tarps and weird shit. we started to throw rocks at this bum shack and freak show comes out of his den with no pants on and starts walking toward us so we make a run for it and as we are running through this fire trail there was this dude with like a nappy and red rings painted around his eyes. and we got away from freak show but red rings was like jumping from tree to tree then he just vanished.
so we go back to this house the next week but knock on the front door of this house and this house was so nice, we continue on to the back of the house and we end up standing right next to freak shows shack. we hear this freaky music coming from the radio so we aren't sure if some one is in there so i go to the front to look out if anyone freaky comes down the street and matt says "hello" and then freak show comes out of his shack with a hammer and fully clothed saying "what are you doing here", matt says "WHAT ARE YOU DOING OUT HERE,DO YOU LIVE IN THAT HOUSE!", freak show says "yeah, just out here playing a few games", matt says "but why are you in that thing(points to shack)", freak show started getting angry saying some one has been stealing bikes and he thinks it was us, matt leaves and we never saw him around our area since.
One day about a year ago i saw him at the fuel station getting fuel and some bum looking dude with a shitty bike gets into the van with freak show and then he drives off over the footpath and nature strip and over the wrong side of the road and over a round about and drives off. i still see him from time to time riding shitty bikes along the high way.

Diversitybmx: Whats the stupidest thing you have done for money?
Alex: paper run or road off a motel roof drunk but i don't think i got paid.
Diversitybmx: Describe the ugliest girl youve spent the night with.
Alex: serpents faces you can get weird with like shit on them of something weirdy that they love... never spent a night with one.
Diversitybmx: Wie ist es Ihnen denn so ergangen?
Alex: its just a sprinkling
Diversitybmx: If you could be any celebrity who would you be?
Alex: jim beam and whiskey tits
Diversitybmx: How do you get on with your parents?
Alex: day at the office
Diversitybmx: A dice is sitting on a table. Lenore counts 17 dots on all the sides she can see. Which face of the dice is resting on the table?
Alex: 6 6

To finish the interview we made up a little story and left some blanks for Alex to fill in. Here's what he came up with....
My name is Alex Liiv but you can call me Stevens (as in more then one). My friends usually call me other names though like Mr sluty and volcano No.5. I used to frequent the chilli factory until I went out the back and uninstalled her diaphragm, but that was a few months ago. Now I spend my time looking and looking for reasons to look. While I'm here I guess I will tell everyone about my friends Demitri (roof painter) and progington. I met them a little while ago while i was on a road trip with dirty santa clause over in the big smoke America, which I found to be FUCKED. I have been alive for 19 years now and riding for 6 of those years, in my previous life I'm pretty sure I was a human because i am now in my previous life. I mostly ride high speed vaginas around the stair area, my bike is set up with the help from my close friends and sponsors, RIDE THE WHEELS OFF THIS THING & SPIN TO WIN so big thanks to them! And finally bmxpress.

Interview and Story by Mathew Lawton
Pictures courtesy of Alex's myspace.