First off the boring bits. Name, age, shoe size, sponsors, sexual orientation....
Liam Fahy Hampton, 23, 13, Colony, Backbone, Orchid, Animal, Profile, Martial, Triple Six, Stowaway, APP.

You seem to be getting a lot of coverage and hype over in the states. How do you feel about that?
Yeah good I guess. Everyone likes attention.
What’s is it like to be on the Colony team?
Awesome. Millar really knows how to hook up his riders and have a good time.
Do you have any signature products in the works with Colony?
Aside from the frame and forks (out soon) you’ll have to wait and see. ; )
Yourself and Mick Bayzand are now on the Profile team. How'd that come about?
I don’t know, I guess we kinda met up with Matt Coplan in Florida and we hit it off. Long walks on the beach, you know, and the rest is history. ;)

I saw your clips in the new FocalPoint dvd not long ago and they blew my mind. Any more video parts coming out in the near future?
Yeah plenty…when, I don’t know.
What's the last thing you did on your bike you were stoked on?
Threw it down some stairs (it seems to help the anger).
Do you have special magic tires that stick to rails?
Sure do. They’re called ASMs.
Where do you draw your inspiration from when you ride?
From the flux capacitor, Marty.

If you were to put a chain back on would you use a coaster or a cassette?
Not sure. Hasn’t crossed my mind yet, but probably a coaster.
What part do you break the most often?
Pedals, headsets, and myself.
Whats your favourite type of cheese?
I don’t mind a vintage ash blue, with a nice glass of shiraz… what, cunt?
As most people know you ride without a sprocket or chain. Do you feel like this helps or hinders your riding?
Yeah, well it definitely doesn’t help. I guess it just makes you hone the tricks you can already do.
How/when did you get into BMX?
The year 2000. Me and a few mates all got BMXs the same day. The rest is history.

What cd is in your stereo?
Right now, Little Birdie ‘Big Love’
What kind of hobbies to you have outside of bmx?
Hanging out at malls, gelling my hair, popping my collar, doing laps in my car, bashing cunts, drinkin’, watching footy at the pub, you know…
Whats your view on internet shit-talking?
What the fuck is the internet?
Ask yourself a question and answer it.
Q. Why you always hurt yourself?
A. Because I convince myself that I’m fine with an injury, ride on it, and crash. Then I’m back to square one. Resulting in time off, that turns into sketchy riding, which turns into injuries.

You've recently spent some time in America. What’s the riding scene like over there compared to over here?
Every kid is x games pro, and it’s scary.
Where do you see Liam Fahy-Hampton in the future?
He’ll probably start referring to himself in third person.
Famous last words?
First of all I’d like to thank CLINT MILLAR at Colony for all his help, now and into the future. And thanks to everyone else who makes my riding possible. And number one thanks to Rhysty at Backbone, without whom I wouldn’t be riding. Thank you and goodnight.
-Questions by Mitch, Photos Courtesy of Colony
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